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valuable SERVICES and unique offerings 

Core Services (top) and Specialty Services (bottom)
Questions: 402-208-5519

Solving tough problems for business owners
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Customer interviews

Employee research and small group collaborative discussion

Customer research reveals opportunity
What do your customers really think about your company? What does your company symbolize in the customer's mind? NEWbraska uncovers the new direction that beckons you and your team. This step often precedes a strategic plan; it is fundamental, even revelatory. Two months.
When you pull people inside your organization together to share "deep-down" feelings about the future, big things happen. With a high tech tool like DataBurst, everyone has equal input and all collective opinions are depicted instantly. Never create a strategic plan without high tech, small group interaction that cuts to the core of your reality. DataBurst makes sense of your organization's diverse agenda and emerging challenges. Get in front of your future with DataBurst.

Reposition, vision & strategic plan

Where are you going and how will you get there? True leaders can portray a relevant and achieveable vision whicn includes standards and competitive differentiation. Develop goals, identify barriers, create value, innovate and move with agility, creating value at every turn.
Business strategy, vision
Help citizens and employees express themselves

Creative development, media and digital PR

Many sales organizations are completely unaware of how important messaging is. Integrated branding, copywriting, graphical design, events and "infotainment" cut the cost of attracting customers. NEWbraska can create an emotional brand experience that leads to a clear cut decision.
Marketing communications and advertising

Innovation: New product development

Companies that innovate successfully attract new customers and reliable employees. They generate profits far beyond competitors that focus on low prices or those that boost quality. However, new product launches require extra attention and special resources. Nobody in Nebraska knows more about innovation than the NEWbraska team.
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Are you eager to discuss a business or civic situation  with a small group but nervous about conflict or a person who will  dominate the group? Use a high tech research tool that pulls the group together. Easy and precise. Reports summarize the consensus.

Talent attraction,  
placemaking and neighborhood design

Nebraska has gained population overall, but brain drain has worsened and even hourly workers are leaving the state at a worrisome pace. Economic developers are struggling to understand. NEWbraska has conducted research and has insight into 50 million "UrbaNatural" knowledge workers. The keys now are educating local civic officials about UrbaNatural lifestyle /design preferences. Reach out to NEWbraska to learn who the target audience is, how they judge innovation and communication styles and how they assess Nebraska's downtown environment.
Attract talent to your community

Keynotes, seminars, workshops, webinars

Organize a learning event built around a polished presenter who is transformative and has over 100 TV shows and podcasts:
Earthquake! Run! (philosophical)
Turn On the Juice: (motivational)
The New Value Revolution (business)
Trend-Trax: Relevance in Sales/Advertising
Strategy and Innovation in 2024
FutureForce: Solving the Workforce Problem
The Four Things the Future Wants From Nebraska (economic development)


Trust TV

Few sales prospects trust large vendors. Fewer still trust the media. Small business owners have an even tougher time earning the buyer's respect. This is an opportunity to introduce yourself and share your mission and value proposition. The viewer will be blown away by your on camera celebrity status. Rely on a pro interviewer to help you tell your story. Remember: Prominence creates power!
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Peer Group Roundtable

68% of all business owners wish they could receive "more input" from their peers. NEWbraska's facilitators organize high caliber peers with experienced advisors and a robust, straight from the heart approach that  will give you focus and confidence. The Roundtable approach ensures that everyone is involved equally. Jumpstart growth once every month!

Karisma Coaching

 Business owners, salespeople and entrepreneurs need to "get the rizz." Start with a personal brand, values clarification, the ability to speak in public and "personal polish" in writing and wardrobe.  This is invaluable redesign-your-life coaching. Count on NEWbraska's founder to provide deep insight, rapid learning and lasting impact in your marketplace. Become the person you were meant to be. 3 months.

Power Dynamix for CPAs

The Conference Board, Sleeter and other research firms have listened to CPA clients and learned that they want more dialogue time. Clients need help with strategy, innovation and critical thinking. CPAs can generate new revenue for their firm by simply leveraging NEWbraska's core skill in strategy, innovation, talent, workforce and leadership. Collaboration generates incremental revenue and leads to win-win for all involved. 
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Power Dynamix for Attorneys 

Attorneys are career achievers; they push hard and are expected to accomplish much. Their egos cause much anxiety if they don't meet their personal expectations. The relentless issue is finding the time to attract new clients (many of whom have financial issues). Mental health is another tough situation. NEWbraska can help with the external (new client) issue and the internal (mental health) issue as well. Grow from two perspectives. Few consultants can do both. 
Growing sales and attracting talent in Nebraska
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