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Are you unsure of how to grow your profits, launch a new product or attract young professionals to your Nebraska community?

NEWbraska knows. Our founder has transformed eight (8) industries. He's generated over one billion dollars for his clients. If you occasionally eat fast food or are part of any racially integrated organization, he has impacted your life. Lynn Hinderaker and his partner, Lee Myers, have exclusive research data about Nebraska's biggest challenge. You can see Hinderaker every day online as he shares business and personal wisdom on his TV show (125 editions and counting).

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"Lynn, we would like you to remain in Los Angeles because you are an innovator. But since you are  going back to Omaha, we suggest you find companies who think they have their act together - just as we did - and then do what only you can do. You've made us a billion dollars in only 3.5 years with the  Value Menu revolution at Taco Bell. Thank you! - Pepsico's senior executive team

What Matters Most Right Now? What If NEWbraska Partners Could Help You
Redefine Your Goals and Clarify Your Priorities?


Do you feel overwhelmed, behind the curve? What would it take to cut through inertia? Do you understand the dynamics of "change management?" BELOW

Do you have a "wow factor" in your business or community? Have your customers clarified what's "special" about your product? How does your community's "brand experience" feel? BELOW

Ask us to help you foster creative collaboration among your teammates. Perfect for strategic planning, cultivating big ideas and fostering innovation value.

NEWbraska understands how to solve your problems quickly, thus saving you money.

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popular postings from newbraska's thought leaders (vote on your favorite)



 Make better small group decisions with DataBurst, a high tech research system

Make safe, consensus-based decisions using exclusive tool. Actionable insights propel forward motion. Facilitator included.


$1,795 for any group up to 50 participants. Subsequent, related groups half price.
NEWbraska members: $1,250 with half-price ($625) per group thereafter for related research discussions.


Your network in Nebraska will bring the most innovative companies together. Your meetings will foster meaningful conversations, and break down industry silos, and spur change in companies and products. Together we can solve problems in a NEW way.

As you do new product launches, new brand outreach, and fresh content stories, you can collaborate with a team of media and marketing experts trying to solve the same NEW puzzles. Think videos, articles, podcasts, events and social media. NEWBRASKA collaborators can help you to succeed in innovative ways.

There are so many marketing channels and tools, it's hard to deliver seamless, cross channel messaging campaigns. Within this ecosystem, you can deliver powerful customer experiences without wasting time, budget, and customer opportunities. Campaign planning, designing creative and execution are totally aligned.

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